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In order solve skin issues; one of the renowned skin and hair care Alleyys Aesthetics provides the best Subcision treatment in bangalore. Subcision treatment also employs the method of inducing controlled injuries to promote the creation of collagen. It is frequently used to treat acne scars, particularly those caused by depression. The fibrotic threads pulling the skin down are what cause the depression. Additionally, it reduces wrinkles. A minimal in-office surgical treatment used to repair acne scars is called Subcision. To remove the acne scar from the underlying tissue, a tiny needle is inserted into your skin. This makes the acne scar less noticeable and helps your skin to rise.

The procedure of the Subcision treatment will be like Subcision is a kind of microsurgery performed under a dermatologist's supervision. There is no need to admit the patient to the hospital because it is a minor surgery. Fibrous scar tissue strands are broken down with a hypodermic needle. Because of the mechanical action's disruption of blood arteries, blood can accumulate in the treated area. This prevents scars from reattaching and, through collagen regeneration, promotes healing. Post treatment is important; some people may get redness and swelling right after the therapy. There might be bruises along with this, which is transient. To reduce the redness and swelling, cold packs or topical medications may be used. The bumps are additionally reduced by the cold compress. Those with stretchy scars from injuries, acne scars, and chicken pox scars are suitable for therapy. Wrinkles are also reduced with the treatment. However, this treatment cannot be chosen by those who have bleeding disorders, keloid scars, or any active infectious disease.
